Wednesday 15 September 2021

Built a Command Line Tool to turn txt to html in Node.js


 For our first two weeks in OSD600 we had to build a command line tool to generate html given text files.  The requirements are as follows:

1. Options -h and -v flag are used to display help and version of the program

2. Mandatory -i specify file input or file folder - I implemented the option to recursively go through the folder as well as nested folders

3. Generate properly ,html files, where I always have a main index.html file plus zero or more *.html files

4. The generated html files are placed in the dist folder

5. Make a user friendly interface


1. clone the repository with git clone or download the .zip then unzip

2. Install node version 16 on your machine

3. Go to your folder

4. Run npm install -g .

5. for the command line tool run sggy -i <name of file or folder>



files and folders created


Sample test2.html



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