Friday, 8 October 2021

OSD600 - Lab 4 Git Remote

STEP 1: Pick a Repository and File an Issue

 In this lab we are suppose to work on another repository of our beloved SSG.  This time I wanted to work with C# so I found Minsu Kim's repo

STEP 2: Work on Topic Branch

I created an issue and forked his repository as well as creating a branch called issue-16.

Unfortunately, there a bugs in the program in which I ignored for the time being.  I was suppose to add --config, or -c support while reading a Json file to avoid the hassle of typing all the commands out.

For instance,

is equivalent to appending --input "./examples" --output "web"  to the console while only writing -c "<filename>.json".  This saves a lot of time and effort to run different tests.  I find working in a different language helps to getting me job ready for anything the employer throws at me.  I believe we are not limited by the tools or languages we use but how well we understand and execute them.
In addition to the lab requirements,  I added support for Linux for his code because I saw that Minsu's code only works in Windows.   I learned that it is important to get started ASAP for letting people know my repository is available to be worked on for this lab as well.  Overall it was a good experience.

STEP 3/4: Collaborate and complete the feature

I created a draft pull request very early on to let Minsu know I am doing well and working away at his repository.  After a few bug fixes I was able to push my code and commit my feature update.

Step 5: Reviewing and Testing via Remotes

As I waited for the pull request from Ritik Bheda, I told him to just do a early pull request so I can continue working on this part.
I used the command: 
    git remote add ritik
    git fetch ritik
which fetches his issue-38 branch

Then I did 
     git checkout -b issue-38 ritik/issue-38
which creates my own local copy of his branch on my computer

I proceed to test the code, then I will do a merge to main branches once it is complete. Overall I expanded the use of git a lot with this lab as well as beginning to understand the intracetcies of git and Github.

STEP 6: Merging

$ git checkout main
$ git merge ritik/issue-38
$ git push origin/main


Thanks for Reading

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