Friday, 22 October 2021

Yet Another Successful Hacktoberfest Pull Request

 At the beginning, I joined the official discord channel for Hacktoberfest and found the Manim project interesting.  It was basically a way to convert code into video demonstration of mathematical animations of objects, equations and various graphics.  Here is an example of generated gifs from code.

Manim ex2

You can find documentation on how to use Manim on their website.  I worked on the issue-1172 for my second pull request.  The challenge of this repository is getting it setup on my computer.  The instructions is widely different for different platforms and there is a medium learning curve to setup.  I just need to be aware of the documentation requirements and where they would like their documentation to occur and reiterate commits accordingly.

Their workflow is the most sophisticated I have seen.  They test python code within custom build environment for different versions of python and those tests must pass for your code to be checked.  This is a large project as there are over a thousand commits already in the repository.  I would like to thank @Darylgolden for answering my questions and reviewing my code.

The whole experience feels like real development work.  I enjoyed working on this repository and I have another open issue that are not among the four submitted for release 2.0 and that I will leave for later because I need to understand their python code and tests.

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