Wednesday 8 December 2021

Release 0.4 #3 - Release


This is the last blog to my release 0.4 for OSD600. I was not overly ambitious as my previous releases in order to set myself to succeed.  This post will be on what I have completed and what I tried doing.


 For my main issues for AOC repository, I completed days one to five as expected and also day seven is done but I did not push my code yet.  I will do so at the end of the week to give others a chance to come up with the solution.  What gave me most trouble was day six, because if you do not setup the program correctly in order to do exponential growth of input, you will run out of memory.  I thought of using hash tables to instead allocating blocks of memory to over come this problem, but have yet to written it properly in python.  Days three and four took the longest time because i had to review my data science knowledge.

The following is my progression up to day seven to represent the week of work I did.


As mentioned in my previous posts, I finished the changes for my translation as per request by reviewer.

The following is the running website image of my pull request for the prompts-ai repository.


 Unfortunately I did not dive far enough in the Telescope issues and they are not completed for release 0.4.  I will look into working more with open source projects in the future as the new year begins soon.  Things that I would have done differently is look at more issues on Github to get a better grasp of the things ahead as I did not know I will be continuously looking for issues during the course of this semester.

God Bless,

Eugene Chung

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