Having started in this course, the first thing that I came across was the infamous telescope project. Unlike our static site generator, this is the third year and third major release of this Seneca made open source project. I am impressed with the UI visuals of Telescope being built on top of Next.js, so I wanted to find an issue that deals with the front end. This was a first step up from Hacktobefest issues with translation and documentation previously. I was lucky to have found this issue and no one is fixing it.
The Change
The setup for Telescope is probably one of the harder parts of this issue, but it is well documented as I followed the contributor's documentation and environment setup document (option 2: Run frontend only). The backend setup is a lot of work but my issue deals with the front-end so its extra work that I do not need to deal with. In the future, I might have to work on even harder issues.
This issue deals with needing attribute target="_blank" added to the links with the logic already implemented. I searched and found PostAvatar.tsx and PostInfo.tsx to make the changes.
Other Tips
It is important to follow linters and running required tests for every open source project. I made sure all the tests pass before pushing my code.
I am glad I pushed some code onto Telescope and being part of the Open Source community at Seneca.
Special thanks to Kevan Y. for pointing out this issue to me.
Eugene Chung
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